What is a chiropractic specialty?
A chiropractic specialty is any discipline recognized by The Federation of Canadian Chiropractic (FCC) in the areas of sports sciences, orthopaedics, radiology, physical rehabilitation and clinical sciences.
What is a chiropractic specialist?
A chiropractic specialist is someone who has attained post-graduate qualifications in one or more areas of chiropractic specialties and are acknowledged as a Fellow. Fellows must have completed a minimum two year, full-time post-graduate residency program. These programs include written and practical requirements, as well as a comprehensive Fellowship examination.
The role of the chiropractic specialist
A chiropractic specialist’s primary role is to assist chiropractic practitioners with clinical impressions, second opinions and treatment options. As well, chiropractic specialists offer recommendations with respect to diagnostic investigations and help with complicated cases or potential mitigating factors that could affect a patients recovery rate.
They are also employed as experts in a variety of areas including research, independent legal and insurance examinations, teaching, and in multi-disciplinary clinical settings.
Specialty Colleges Council of The Federation of Canadian Chiropractic
Founded in the early 2000’s, the Specialty Colleges Council serves as a facilitator for members to meet, share information and advance their profession. The Council also provides a forum for the exchange of best practices regarding regulatory issues that relate to chiropractic specialists. As well, they offer assistance to specialty colleges in the development of competency standards and accreditation for their programs.
The Council takes great interest in the actions and activities of accredited specialty colleges, reviewing reports annually that cover membership, financial information and continuing education details. It also works to promote joint continuing education sessions that advance the learning and skills of Fellows.
The Specialty Colleges Council is a sub-committee of the Federation of Canadian Chiropractic. The chair of the council, who is elected from member colleges, sits on the FCC executive committee. In addition to members from each specialty college, there is also a public representative who is recommended by the colleges and is selected by the board of the Federation.